Raging Dragons photo gallery

End of Season 2019 party

Rage on tour - Barcelona

Remembering our dear Rager - Taiwo Emiabata. Always in our heart x

Coach Katha demosntrating the correct way of holding the paddle

One - Two - One - Two.....

Congrats to Jocelyn and Johnny – we look forward welcoming your little drummer to the Rage family soon! :)

Raging Dragons and our fellow London paddler friends from Typhoon at the Henley Winter Series

Rage catching some winter sunshine in Henley

Alternative use of paddles – shovelling snow off the roads during a boat trailer rescue

Dragon boat trailer rescue part 2

Frances keeping herself entertained :)

Jojo baked and decorated cookies for the team! This girl is the best :D xx

Rage Christmas

Who's been naughty and who's been nice?

Santa, Mandy and a dragon elf :D

Double trouble

Tom is good every year :)

Hi Santa!!

And now for some food...

Rage at the 2017 Nationals in Nottingham

Rage at London BDA

Team dinner after a day of racing

Jam visits London

Team trip – Raging Dragons in Venice

Vogalonga – a 32km open water event

Us being tourists

Chilling after icecream

Alfresco team dinner

Rage family photo – Wraysbury

GB Ragers 2017

Rage pyramid in Wraysbury

Proud coaches

Racing in Stockton

Rage likes bling :)

Lobster noodle night and Stef's farewell. We'll miss that sweet smile – keep in touch! x